Saturday, May 26, 2007

The things 2-year-olds do...

Thursday, Michael and I were talking in the kitchen when I realized that Grayson had been very quiet. When I walked into the livingroom, this is what I found...

He had opened a whole box of his oatmeal bath and dumped it all over the floor. Needless to say he promptly got a bath and I didn't even have to add oatmeal to the water! Oh, the "joys" of having a 2-year-old!

Sammy at 3-Months

I can't believe Sammy is already 3-Months old! It's funny, sometimes it seems like we just brought him home yesterday, but others it feels like he's always been here. He is such a smiley baby and is really starting to laugh a lot. I have to admit, he is the joy of my days!

Welcome to our new Blog!

Well, we've done it! We've dove into the crazy world of bloging! Hopefully I'll keep this updated with the wacky goings on of our wild little boys and of course LOTS of pictures! Enjoy!!!!